The second edition of the Czech & Slovak Sustainability Summit, held on 25 April 2024 at the Cubex Centre Prague, welcomed a total of 578 sustainability and ESG professionals. They heard the awards of the best sustainable projects of the past year.
Among the awarded projects was also a technology for antifreeze purification, which is jointly developed by CLASSIC OIL and MEGA.
Details of the award-winning technology for the environmentally friendly and efficient disposal of used ethylene glycol and propylene glycol (antifreeze) can be heard in a short video with Jan Skolil on our MEGA YouTube channel.
Most power systems use antifreeze, which loses its properties over time and turns into hazardous waste. However, the most valuable ingredient - glycol - has the ability to be reused. Innovative technology developed in collaboration between CLASSIC Oil and MEGA can recycle these mixtures into a pure aqueous glycol solution with a material recovery of more than 90%. This approach is not only environmentally beneficial, but also cost-effective due to its low energy consumption. By recycling, it puts large quantities of valuable material back into circulation, reduces dependence on non-European raw materials and reduces the CO2 emissions associated with their production.
The RALEX® ART (Antifreeze Reuse Technology) is a unique solution combining effective pretreatment with desalination using highly efficient electrodialysis
I want to know more about antifreeze recycling"The Sustainability Summit aims to shine a light on the steps companies are taking to become more sustainable. We try to highlight positive actions so that other companies can be inspired. At the same time, we encourage discussion that provides businesses with the feedback they need in their efforts to become more sustainable. We believe that such a forum helps to move sustainability forward in the Czech and Slovak markets," explains Jeffrey Osterroth, Managing Director of ATOZ Group, which organised the summit.