Electrodialysis in food and beverage industry

Food and beverage industry

MEGA electrodialysis technology in food and beverage processing

Thanks to our knowlegde, experience and innovations is our technology far more efficient than competing technologies.

Advanced electrodialysis solves two problems in the food and beverage industry at the same time: it minimizes waste and recovers valuable components from the wastewater stream.

Experienced and qualified experts in the process of applying electrodialysis technology. Customized solutions based on RALEX® units of our own production.

Boost efficiency and profitability with MEGA's electrodialysis technology

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Find out how MEGA’s electrodialysis can help you transform production, increase profits, and improve resource efficiency in your food and beverage industry:

Wine stabilization and pH adjustment

Highly efficient electrodialysis for winemakers to remove tartrates from wine. MEGA offers new electrodialysis (ED) technology, which successfully removes the tartrates, potassium, etc. content from the raw wine and therefore lowers the tartaric instability of the wine. It can be adapted to each wine and is fully automatic.

Find out more about wine stabilization

Adjusting wine acidity with membranes technology. MEGA offers bipolar electrodialysis (EDBM), which can be adapted to each white, red, and rose wine. Adjust the natural acidity of the wine and obtain a final product of excellent taste. Our technology is suitable for both small and large wineries.

Find out more about wine ph adjusting

Juices and ciders pH adjustment

Juices and ciders pH adjustment

Improve the taste of fruit juice by adjusting the pH

Highly efficient bipolar electrodialysis for the beverage industry to improve the fruit juices and cider taste. MEGA offers bipolar electrodialysis technology to raise or lower the pH of fruit juices, which significantly affects their organoleptic properties. It can be adapted for large manufacturers (easy to implement in existing production lines) or for small production plants (mobile units).

Find out more about juice and cider ph adjustment

Sugar and starch purification

MEGA offers new technology, which can fully meet the organic product requirements and at the same time successfully remove the ash content from the feed solution and due to this fact decrease the amount of salt in the final product.

Find out more about organic ingredients
purification techniques

Electrodialysis is a very efficient technology for sugar solution purification with low energy and chemical consumption. MEGA offers electrodialysis for higher purity products and therefore improves the cost-effectiveness of sugar factories.

Find out more about sugar purification

Innovated cost-effective and additive-free technology for starch-based syrups purification. Find out how can be traditional IEX demineralization process replaced by progressive MEGA electrodialysis!

Find out more about starch syrups purification

MEGA offers electrodialysis - cost-effective and green application for beet/cane molasses demineralization in sugar mills, giving molasses a new purpose of use as an additional source of sugar.

Find out more about molasses processing

Demineralization in dairy industry

Demineralization in dairy industry


MEGA offers new technology, which can fully meet the organic product requirements and at the same time successfully remove the ash content from the feed solution and due to this fact decrease the amount of salt in the final product.

Find out more about demineralization in dairy industry

What we do

Food processing & beverage industry

Whey is a by-product of cheese production. It has a high mineral content of 8-10 % in TDS which results in low sensoric properties and overall low value of whey. Demineralization by electrodialysis turns the low-value whey into a sweet substance ready for internal reuse or up to pharmaceutical quality for use in infant nutrition.

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Avoid precipitation of tartrate salts into the final product. Electrodialysis technology removes part of tartrates in energy efficient way without addition of chemicals in very short time. Alcohol, sugars content and taste don't change.

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Chemicals-free pH adjustment for fruit juices, wines and ciders improves organoleptic properties using electrodialysis bipolar membrane (EDBM) technology with RALEX® membranes. Especially suitable for sour beverages, where high acidity causes unpleasant feelings to the consumer. Applicable for wide range of natural juices.

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Electrodialysis with bipolar membrane technology decreases pH of apple juice and then increases it back to the previous level. This temporary change stabilizes the apple juice without adding ascorbic acid.

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Removal of acids and salts from solutions of monosaccharides, disaccharides and oligosaccharides by RALEX® electrodialysis.

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Special nutrition supplements industry

Lactulose syrup is a feed solution of lactulose after isomerisation by chemical catalysers. There is a high mineral content due to the agents of catalysers. Electrodialysis allows their removal to receive the final product, which is then used in the food industry or pharmaceutical applications.

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Demineralization of substances with probiotic and dietary effect as Galactooligosaccharides - GOS, Fructooligosaccharides – FOS, Chitooligosaccharides - COS; Xylooligosaccharides - XOS, Isomaltooligosaccharides - IMO, Soybean oligosaccharides - SOS.

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Interested? Contact us.

Ales Platzer

Ales Platzer

Sales Manager

+420 702 176 317 ales.platzer@mega.cz
Lukas Semian

Lukas Semian

Sales Manager

+420 778 463 642 lukas.semian@mega.cz

MEGA a.s.


Pod Vinici 87
Straz pod Ralskem
471 27 Czechia

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