Industrial and municipal water treatment

MEGA group

Technological companies with worldwide reach

We are scientists, manufacturers & visionaries

Together we are a group of technological companies with worldwide reach and more than 30 years of experience.
Whether you're in Power & Energy, Food, Pharma, Chemical or an Automotive subcontractor, we can make your business more effective and environmentally friendly.

Electro-membrane filtration based on custom RALEX membranes brings industries double profit in both recovery of valuable ingredients and smaller waste amount. In-house manufactured membranes, stacks and systems allow us to design custom, tailored solutions for each individual customer.

Advanced electrophoretic coating binds the paint to the metal part on a molecular level, which provides great corrosion protection and better part durability. We supply world-class paints as well as complete industrial surface treatment technologies based on more than 30 years of experience.

Hi-tech solutions and consultancy for landfill and waste deposit issues are based on deep knowledge of hydrogeology, the background of our research centre and vast experience. We will help you prevent environmental issues. And if you need help solving them, our patented methods form an underground barrier using iron nanoparticles.

Our history

The story of the MEGA group reaches back to uranium mining in the former Czechoslovakia when Lubos Novak began the research of treatment of contaminated mining water. The unique membrane he had developed has proven to be the key to liquids separation in many different industries.

Lubos Novak enters the Research institute of uranium industry
The first RALEX® membrane
Long-term cooperation with PPG GI has started
The first large installation for wastewater
MEGA­‑TEC was founded to cover the electrocoating
Long-term project with IVECO CR has begun
MemBrain was founded
The first large dairy focused installation
The biggest water treatment project in Barcelona
Patented nanoiron remediation process
ООО «МЕГA-УКРАИНА» was founded in Ukraine
The Membrane Innovation Centre was opened
170+ membrane projects worldwide
The 30th anniversary of the MEGA group

MEGA Group Today

Researchers, production, service, sales and many more professions. Together with our sales representatives we are working to provide you with high-tech equipment and professional services.

Our technologies and materials are used on almost all continents in different industrial segments ranging from nutrition, power, and automotive to waste deposition.

Research has been our core since 1980s. We have patented continuous membrane manufacturing, underground electrochemical barrier and many more great ideas, which are the base of our business.

Annual reports

Our people

Lubos Novak, the owner of the MEGA group

Lubos Novak, the owner of the MEGA group

“We are successfully applying the latest research outcomes in commercial solutions.”

Jiri Truhlar, CFO of the MEGA group

Jiri Truhlar, CFO of the MEGA group

“The wide reach and different business areas of our companies ensure the stability and strength of the whole MEGA group.”

Zbynek Petras, Director of the Division Membrane Processes

Zbynek Petras, Director of the Division od Membrane Processes

“Our electromembrane technologies represent an efficient alternative or complement to classical, pressure-based, or thermal processes. They deliver a double benefit to our customers by utilizing waste streams as a raw material while simultaneously reducing environmental burden.”

Miroslav Matuška, Director of Surface Treatment Division

Miroslav Matuška, Director of Surface Treatment Division

„Quality materials, excellent service and superior customer relations are the keys to our success in the industrial finishing market.“

Marie Nováková, Director of the Finance Department

Marie Nováková, Director of the Finance Department

„The strength of the MEGA Group, backed by responsible financial management, enables us to implement even very challenging projects.“

Quality, Environment & Occupational Health and Safety Policy

The main goal of the quality, environment & occupational health and safety policy of the company MEGA a.s. and its daughter companies is to satisfy requirements, needs and expectationas of our customers, to minimize negative effects of our activities on environment and to ensure continuous improvement in general. Download the complete document in PDF.

Code of Ethics

The aim of our ethical codex is to establish a clear set of guidelines and principles that promote responsible conduct, environmental sustainability, and fair treatment of employees, customers, and stakeholders, while fostering a culture of integrity and accountability within the organization.


For the updated list of career opportunities see the czech page Kariéra.

ESG Rating

MEGA won the Small and Medium-sized Companies category in the ESG Rating 2023. We won the prestigious award in the second year of the competition, which attracted a total of 135 Czech companies. The results of the independent evaluation were published by the Association of Corporate Social Responsibility, which conducts the survey in cooperation with the Faculty of Economics of the University of Economics (CEMS). More information about our success can be found on ESG Rating 2023.

Contact MEGA