Industrial and municipal water treatment

Water treatment for the industry and municipalities

Wastewater treatment process by RALEX® electrodialysis and MPure™ electrodeionization.

Did you know?

The range of pre-engineered HPWU systems with MPure EDI stacks cover flow rates from 5 m3/h to 135 m3/h.

Advanced electrodialysis provides industries with means of minimizing waste or concentrating precious ingredients.

Extensive R&D is the key to continous innovation and manufacturing of our own membranes, modules and units.

System design is based on 30+ years of industrial experience. MPure™ Design software helps customers to evaluate possible different setups.

Why MEGA water treatment system

Zero liquid discharge - ZLD

Zero liquid discharge - ZLD

Zero liquid discharge is a water treatment process with the goal of recirculation all of the possible water back to the process with zero liquid waste. The ultimate treatment process has zero or nearly zero impact on the environment.

Find out more about ZLD

Ultrapure water - UPW

Ultrapure water - UPW

Ultrapure water production by MEGA Electrodeionization (EDI) is a polishing technology to produce high-purity water. It typically operates after pretreatment and reverse osmosis process.

Find out more about UPW

Water for hydrogen production

Find out how MEGA's electrodeionization can help you with (not only) green hydrogen production

Find out how MEGA's electrodeionization can help you with hydrogen production

Reducing operating costs
No regeneration chemicals
Energy efficiency and renewable energy

MEGA provides water treatment technology for the production of all types of hydrogen that meets strict water quality criteria for use in electrolyzers, typically <1 µS/cm.

Electrodeionization increases sustainable hydrogen production by reducing operating costs through higher water yield. This is achieved without the need for column regeneration chemicals!

The ultrapure water produced for hydrogen electrolysis meets an electrical conductivity of up to 0.055 µS/cm at 25°C or as a resistivity of 18.2 MΩ∙cm.

Find out more about water for hydrogen production

From membrane to industrial application

From membrane to industrial application

MEGA is developing and manufacturing the RALEX® membranes. We use them to produce stacks. And we use our stacks to assemble complete ED and EDI units from laboratory to large-industrial-scale water treatment units.

Electrodialysis water treatment

Electrodialysis process in wastewater treatment

Electrodialysis (ED) is modern progressive electromembrane separation technology with the goal of removal of dissolved solids, especially in the field of brackish water desalination, ZLD process, RO brine treatment, etc.

Find out more about electrodialysis water treatment



Electrodeionization (EDI systems) is a continuous, chemical-free water polishing process producing high-purity water for industrial use with up to 18,2 MΩ∙cm resistivity. Costly downtime and waste due to chemical regeneration of ion exchange resins are a thing of the past, thanks to electrodeionization systems.

Find out more about electrodeionization and EDI modules

What we do

Products and services for wastewater treatment applications

Cost savings through RO brine concentration. Solution for TDS removal of complex waste waters. Recycle industrial effluents and reuse them back in the process. Salt concentration prior to evaporation in ZLD applications. Limit RO brine waste stream. Limit the size of your evaporator or evaporation pond.

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MEGA has developed and offers its own electrodeionization units for the production of ultrapure water. This technology may be used especially in the energy industry where it may produce feeding water for boilers; furthermore, it may be used in food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries as well as in laboratories and hospitals. The electrodeionisation effectively replaces an ion exchanger resin technology which suffers from high operation costs for the chemical regeneration of the resin itself.

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Contact us for a similar solution       Continue to Ultrapure water

Create the most advanced ZLD process using ion-exchange membranes, the only solution that brings a high reduction in capital and operating expenditures for the entire plant.

We have ZLD references from all over the world with more than 30 years of experience. Electrodialysis has been successfully used in textile, power, tanneries, breweries, chemical, petrochemical, and paper industry.

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Contact us for a similar solution       Continue to Zero liquid discharge

During the fertilizer production process, a waste condensate from evaporation is produced, that is discharged without further use. MEGA company has developed a unique solution based on electrodialysis technology. The concentrated condensate stream is returned back for the production of fertilizers and desalted diluate stream is re-used in the water management of a plant. The innovative technology of the company MEGA is zero-liquid-discharge (ZLD) with significant economic and ecological effects.

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Contact us for a similar solution

As for resolving environmental issues MEGA is able to demineralize efficiently even very salty sludge lake waters (TDS 30-40 g/l) resulting from mining operations or generated in the processing industry. The technology solution is operated in feed and bleed mode and it is based on electrodialysis. After passing the technology a very small volume of highly concentrated (120-150 g/l) brine and demineralized water are generated. The demineralized water may be additionally purified by means of reverse osmosis to reach values necessary for any special use.

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Contact us for a similar solution

MEGA has developed and offers its own electrodialysis plants for producing ultra-pure water. This technology may be used especially in the energy industry where it may produce feeding water for boilers; furthermore, it may be used in food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries as well as in laboratories and hospitals. The electrodeionisation effectively replaces the ion exchanger resin technology which suffers high operation costs for chemical regeneration of ion exchanger resin.

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Contact us for a similar solution

The water from bored wells often contains more salt than allowed as to the drinking water standards or as required for industrial feeding waters (for instance for feeding of boilers). The increased salt content of groundwater water may be caused naturally or by men for instance as a consequence of excessive use of chemical fertilizers. Water from rivers or artificial lakes must be – nearly in every case – treated for drinking as well as for industrial purposes. MEGA offers technologies for the demineralization of sub-terrain and surface waters based on the principle of electrodialysis or pressure membrane processes, especially reverse osmosis.

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Contact us for a similar solution

Our case studies

High Purity Water Treatment EDI

ENERGY at Ústí nad Labem, Czechia

Rehabilitation and upgrade of process water treatment plant

MEGA has supplied High Purity Water Treatment EDI units as a part of a novel membrane-only water treatment solution. The facility in the company ENERGY at Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, needed an update after tens of years of heavy duty.

Ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, and EDI units were selected to process river water into ultrapure water. MPure™ EDI by MEGA has proven to be able to operate in demanding conditions with high CO2 level, cope with differences in input feed, and steadily provide the heating facility with the ultrapure water with 16 MΩ resistivity. Contact us below to find out how a similar solution can help your business.

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Water treatment from the uranium mining industry

GEAM at Dolní Rožínka, Czechia

Water treatment from the uranium mining industry

Between 1957 and 2016, the GEAM Dolní Rožínka spin-off plant produced 20,220 tonnes of uranium, which was subsequently processed in the Chemical Processing Plant. To eliminate negative environmental impacts, it was necessary to implement closed-cycle process water treatment technology in the Chemical Treatment Plant, as well as water collection in the tailings ponds, both of which contain high levels of organic and inorganic compounds (TDS 34 g/l, SO42- 21.6 g/l).

MEGA has been the supplier of electrodialysis technology since the beginning of the remediation works, which, in cooperation with RO, eliminates the negative impact of uranium ore mining and processing. The desalted stream is discharged into the river after pH control. The remaining concentrate is evaporated to the final commercial product - pure Na2SO4.

GEAM highlights

Using waste as product Low OPEX High recovery
View case study GEAM
View case study GEAM
Treatment of river water for the chemical industry using electrodialysis

Grupa Azoty Zakłady Chemiczne Police S.A., Poland

Treatment of river water for the chemical industry using electrodialysis

With the growing volume of fertilizer production, Grupa Azoty is facing a significant increase in the consumption of process water, which is of river origin.

MEGA installed EDR system to produce 640 m3/h of demineralized water with a minimum of 87% recovery. The system can respond to the current demand and produce different quantities of water at ratios of 80, 160, 240, 320, 400, 480, 560, and 640 m3/h. The brackish water treatment system is in operation 24/7, and the entire process can be treated without interrupting the production process. Chemical cleaning (CIP) is carried out approximately once every two months.

Grupa Azoty highlights

Low OPEX Continuous operation 24/7 High recovery
View case study Grupa Azoty
View case study Grupa Azoty

Products & Technologies

RALEX® Products

EDR stack – RALEX® EDR-IF/250

EDR stack – RALEX® EDR-IF/250

EDR-IF is an advanced EDR stack developed for high salinity water treatment in industrial applications as RO brine concentration, pre-concentration before evaporation, ZLD applications, and treatment of different types of industrial waste waters. EDR-IF provides up to 40 % higher performance compared to current EDR stacks in the market. This brings up to a 30 % layout reduction as well as a significant cost reduction. The robust design guarantees zero internal and external leakages and highly reduced downtime.

EDI stack – RALEX® MPure36TM

EDI stack – RALEX® MPure36™

The advanced MPure stacks developed by MEGA, the experts in electroseparation, continuously produce high-resistivity water with low silica levels. Stacks can be interconnected to provide high-flow blocks. The robust design prevents both internal and external leaks. Exhaustive factory testing of each stack guarantees you will receive the stack in optimal condition, ready to plug in.

Complete EDI unit – RALEX® HPWU

Complete EDI unit – RALEX® HPWU

The range of pre-engineered HPWU systems with MPure™ EDI stacks cover flow rates from 5 m3/h to 135 m3/h. These unit fit the needs of differing industries from micro-electronics manufacturing to power and heating. Each unit is factory assembled and tested to shorten installation time and minimize start-up costs.
Dimensions (l×w×h): 2.4 × 1.3 × 1.6 m (one MPure™36 stack)
Dimensions (l×w×h): 4.1 × 1.3 × 1.6 m (three MPure™36 stacks)
Dimensions (l×w×h): 4.8 × 1.5 × 2.6 m (nine MPure™36 stacks)

We care about you

MEGA Care - We care about you

MEGA Care saves your money.
Get all the are you need.

Periodical inspections
24/7 Specialist Hotline
On-site support

MEGA Care reduces downtimes to the necessary technological minimum by active monitoring, prevention, and remote adjustments in advance. Periodical inspections at the point of installation provide three days of exhaustive evaluation during regular production, membrane samples are sent to MEGA laboratory for testing to show early signs of scaling or fouling. Inspections to gather hands-on data together with overall parameters monitoring bring necessary information to ensure reliable performance.

More about MEGA Care

MEGA Care reduces downtimes to the necessary technological minimum by active monitoring, prevention, and remote adjustments in advance. Periodical inspections at the point of installation provide three days of exhaustive evaluation during regular production, membrane samples are sent to MEGA laboratory for testing to show early signs of scaling or fouling. Inspections to gather hands-on data together with overall parameters monitoring bring necessary information to ensure reliable performance.

More about MEGA Care

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Michal Jirdasek

Michal Jirdasek

Key Account Manager

+420 606 387 947
Antonina Sipova

Antonina Sipova

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Zdenek Divisek

Zdenek Divisek

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+420 725 090 944
Tomas Cerny

Tomas Cerny

Sales Manager

+420 771 254 405
Jan Dupal

Jan Dupal

Sales Manager

+420 724 022 273
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