Potable water, process water, industrial water and wastewater treatment

Water treatment & purification solutions

Potable water, process water, industrial water, and wastewater treatment

Did you know?

MEGA design and provide complete technologies for water treatment on a turnkey basis, including buildings.

Water treatment by MEGA for industrial purposes

Water treatment by MEGA for industrial purposes

Successful installation of ultrafiltration for process water treatment in Prunéřov II Power Plant

Ultrafiltration of river water
Reduction of operating costs
Continuity of operation

Prunerov II Power Plant is the youngest coal-fired power plant of ČEZ, a. s. and the largest thermal power plant in the Czech Republic. The continuous supply of process water for cooling has become a major problem in recent dry years.

MEGA technologists proposed a comprehensive water treatment solution by supplementing the existing groundwater source with river water from the nearby river Ohře. MEGA implemented the entire project on a turnkey basis, including the supply of four ultrafiltration units as part of the entire solution. The average yield of the system is 95 %.

View case study Prunerov II

We are a strong Czech company with more than 30 years of experience and realized orders all over the world.

We are specialists and experienced experts in industrial and municipal wastewater. We approach each project individually and together we will find the optimal technical tailor-made solution.

MEGA has four divisions and develops, manufactures and provides equipment for dozens of different industries. Water treatment is one of the main pillars of the company strategy. We are part of MEGA.

Production of ultrapure water for the pharmaceutical industry

Realization of a new water treatment plant for the production of ultrapure water of Pharma standard quality

Realization of a new water treatment plant for the production of ultrapure water of Pharma standard quality

RO + EDI system in Pharma standard
Water quality max. 1 µS/cm
Reduction of operating costs

MEGA has designed and supplied a new ultrapure water treatment plant for a major international pharmaceutical company. The proposed solution consists of a combination of a three-stage RO with membranes with the highest solute capture and 2 EDI MPure™ 36 modules, which in this combination provide a system yield of 77%.

The entire production is automated and the design is built in a 1+1 arrangement to ensure continuous 24/7 operation in the so-called Pharma standard of ultrapure water production and distribution.

Read more about the project

Water treatment technologies for municipalities, cities and industry

Water treatment technologies for municipalities, cities and industry

We provide modern ecological solutions for efficient use of water resources

We are an engineering and supply company covering a comprehensive range of services and facilities in the field of water treatment. We will analyze your needs and design the most suitable technology on a turnkey basis.

Choosing the right technology will reduce your water treatment and waste disposal costs while meeting stringent environmental standards.

We guarantee our technology because we either manufacture it ourselves or cooperate with proven top-quality domestic and foreign suppliers.

We offer our services to cities, municipalities, industrial and private clients.

Find out how MEGA can help you in your industry

Industrial wastewater treatment

Industrial wastewater is an important factor that most production companies have to address. The treatment of process wastewater is necessary to remove contaminants before it can be reused or released back into nature. We will design and implement a wastewater treatment system tailored to your needs, meeting strict environmental standards. At the same time, we will save you money by reusing water in your industrial processes, which will also reduce waste treatment costs.

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Wastewater treatment plants

Wastewater treatment plants for municipalities and industrial buildings are always tailor-made according to the needs of the client and in accordance with the relevant state administration authorities. We use the latest technology. From filtration that efficiently treats water from a local source to electrodialysis that desalinates wastewater, MEGA has the equipment and chemical solutions that will optimize your water cycle while reducing your carbon footprint and the impact on water resources.

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Water management infrastructure

Design of optimal water management infrastructure (wastewater, potable water, local resources) from the draft of the technology to turnkey implementation. We provide consultation and supervision services in public procurement, preparation of tenders, and reduction of costs for their implementation. We also provide an implementation of investment projects in the form of technical supervision and independent consulting in case of disputed proposals and solutions.

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Consultancy in the field of water management

Elaboration of a study of effective water management, including conceptual design for its optimization. Design of process water treatment including chemical management using the latest methods (reverse osmosis, electrodeionization units, ion-exchange demineralization…). We will analyze the possibility of reuse of unsuitable water for process purposes, thereby reducing the requirement for further water consumption. We also provide consulting services in the area of designing the operation of new and existing facilities in terms of cost reduction.

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Our case studies

High Purity Water Treatment EDI

ENERGY at Ústí nad Labem, Czechia

Rehabilitation and upgrade of process water treatment plant

MEGA has supplied High Purity Water Treatment EDI units as a part of novel membrane-only water treatment solution. The facility in the company ENERGY at Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic, needed an update after tens of years of heavy duty.

Ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis and EDI units were selected to process river water into ultrapure water. MPure™ EDI by MEGA has proven to be able to operate in demanding conditions with high CO2 level, cope with differences in input feed and steadily provide the heating facility with the ultrapure water with 16 MΩ resistivity. Contact us below to find out how a similar solution can help your business.

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František Bervida

František Bervida

Senior sales manager

+420 778 472 336 frantisek.bervida@mega.cz

MEGA a.s.

+420 778 472 336 obchod.dvh@mega.cz

Ke Klíčovu 191/9
190 00 Praha 9 - Vysočany

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